I love checking my mail and finding free samples, it’s much better than the normal bills and junk. Let’s see if we can’t start filling your mailbox with some great freebies.
Free Shout Color Catcher Sample –has anyone tried these? I have one (sample) and still haven’t tried it
Purex with Zout Sample –this one has been around for a few weeks so if you’ve already requested it I’m sure you won’t work again, but I did get my sample and it came with a coupon too!!
Prilosec OTC Sample
Carefree Liner Sample and Coupon
Emeril’s Original Seasoning Sample Packet
Miracle Whip Samples
Zone Perfect Bar –You must like them on Facebook while you are there be sure to like LivingOnABudget
Miralax Sample
Breathe Right Nasal Strips Sample
Eucerin Sample –this is another facebook offer
Nescafe Taster's Choice Instant Coffee Sample
So Sweet Sample
NeilMed Sinus Rinse (Neti-Pot) –another facebook offer but I can tell you this one is great!!!
John Freida Shampoo Sample
Dove Conditioner Sample
Well there’s a good start to getting some fun stuff in your mailbox soon!! Free samples do more than just make you smile at the mailbox they also help you save a little money so make sure you sign up for all of them (plus they usually come with coupons to save you more money)
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