Happy New Year

The new year gives us a chance to write a new story, wipe the slate clean and start over. This year I have set goals, I really don't like resolutions so I'm going with goals for the year.

1. Blog more
This blog helps me save money and I hope it helps you save as well. I'll be searching for free samples and the best deals out there and posting them here. I will be continuing my partnership with a few companies to help maximize my earning potential and giveaway potential here as well. I don't have many ads on here but you can be sure that everyone is hand selected by me, making money off this blog has never been a driving force for me but the little bit I do really helps. Please think of stopping by here when you are printing coupons off coupons.com or placing an order with Amazon.

2. Get my home organized
I've never claimed to be the most organized and it makes me crazy. This year I hope to put a stop to the crazy by organizing and de cluttering our lives.

3. Craft smarter
I am a crafter by trade, I set up a craft shows, farmers market and well my handmade creations online so I have a lot of stuff. I've decided that I have too much stuff so this year I'm going to work on reducing my stash of items and organizing my items. Hopefully this will help me make more money without spending as much.

4. Get myself and my family healthier
I know everyone says I'm going to lose weight this year, I'm not going to say that this year. I just want to work at eating healthier and getting healthier losing weight will be a welcome side effect I hope.

This is the start of my goals. I'll probably be posting about all of them at different times throughout the year feel free to comment on what you are doing to make your new year brighter!!

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