In the Spirit of going "Green"

are you participating in the 3rd annual Earth Hour event tomorrow night? From 8:30-9:30pm local time businesses, individuals, and governments are encouraged to flick the switch and go dark for 1 hour to show that energy conservation is important.

Go here for more information and here to see if your city is participating. They are saying that for the first time ever the strip in Las Vegas and the Welcome to Las Vegas sign will go dark for the hour.

In times when so many people are getting laid off or getting their hours cut we need to think about ways to live more frugal. This is a great habit to get into and it helps us live more green. Install more efficient lightbulbs in the lights that need to be on and shut off the hall light. This is something that gets repeated here almost daily when my son goes upstairs and leaves the stairway light on. So are you going to participate? What else are you doing to either live more green or just save some money? I'd love to hear what others do, it helps everyone to read other's suggestions.

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Together We Save said...

Our family participated in the 1 hour of no lights. Well except for 1 TV it is wise to try to and conserve energy when we can.

Unknown said...

That's great!! We weren't actually home for the dark hour, but I turned off the computer and unplugged the TV while we were gone.

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