
Don't forget to load your new Upromise Coupons today. Once you activate them you have all month to buy the product and then you get an extra boost from upromise. There are some great coupons on there this month which can be paired with manufacturers coupons and sales for great extras.

If you haven't signed up yet what are you waiting for??? Click on the link at the top of my blog and head over. I'm sure you know someone that has a child and is trying to figure out how to save for college. In this time who has the extra money? It's so easy and if you don't sign up you are letting free money go that I'm sure someone could use. You sign up register your most used credit cards and shopping cards, then once a month add the coupons. When you have some money in the account send it to one of your loved ones trying to save for their kids. Every little bit helps.

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