Farmer's Market

I meant to take pictures of my purchases at the Farmer's Market last night but I completely forgot. We walked there and on the way home it started to rain so we were rushing to get home plus my goodies were getting heavy so we got home and I put everything away. Oh well here's what I got.

3 medium sized Zucchinis $1 (must be the end of the season here as they are getting harder to find at the farmer's markets)
1 5pk of Garlic $1
4 big peaches $1 (these smell so good)
1 medium basket of red potatoes $2
Half of a huge Watermelon $1 (you should see this mammoth it's huge) the guy was selling them whole for $3 and heard me say that it was just too big for my family of 3 but I was still thinking about it. He said that he'd cut one in half for me for $1.50 so I told him yes and then he knocked the .50 off my total when I paid.

I really enjoy helping out the local growers by visiting the Farmer's Markets in the area. I wish they were a little bigger (the huge one is quite a drive from here) but buying local saves me a little money and helps out people here. Do you have any great Farmer's Market finds? Last week we went to the one in Celebration and I bought some matted tickets (the old A-E tickets to disney world) for Dave for Father's Day for $25 ($5 each). I might have been able to get them cheaper online but these were in great condition and already in mats. So that was my great unique find and I know Dave loves them since we went back twice looking at them for about 15 minutes each time. LOL

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American Dreamer said...

Those are wonderful produce prices. We don't really have good farmers markets here but I frequent my produce market all year long. It's huge and they carry almost everything. The prices for in season items are phenomenal.

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