Garden Updates
I'm a little late posting my garden pics,, but since it's a holiday weekend it's still the weekend right. LOL Here's a pic of 2 of my raspberry bushes they aren't very bushy but are producing raspberries. Now if I can only figure out how to keep the birds away.This is my little mint plant. This thing has been growing like wildflower, I've been picking leaves a least once a week for my pom mojitos and it grows faster than I pick them. This so far has been the best growing plant especially considering that I only paid $1 for it at the flea market. I may have to go see what else that guy has if he's still there.
A closeup of the raspberries on the third plant. They are almost ripe so I'm hoping I get them before the birds do.
This would be Mr. Stripey. He still doesn't have any flowers but is growing like a weed. I read that they are slow producers or late producers so hopefully I'll have something to look forward to in a month or two.
This is close up of my other tomato plant. It's a yellow pear heirloom plant. I counted this morning and there are 17 tomatoes on the plant with at least another 15 coming soon. I think Shawn will really enjoy these once they ripen and they should add some interesting color to salsa.
Stay tuned for some more garden photos. I can only add soo many per post and an my weekly topsy turvy update. Feel free to share your experiences with gardening or ask any questions about my pursuit to container garden.
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