More Garden Pics and Topsy Turvy Update!!
This is the pepper plant it has really filled out from a few weeks ago. It has 3-4 peppers that have set and lots of other buds that hopefully will set and I'll have tons of bell peppers.
The flowers are so pretty on the bean plant. Lots and lots of really pretty purple flowers everywhere. I almost wish they wouldn't die off and produce beans since they look so nice and my garden area is greatly lacking in colors.
Here's the ever growing zucchini plant. I'm going to start attempting to pollinate this plant on the next round to see if the problems are the lack of bees in the area. I figure I can take a qtip and going through all the flowers and hopefully I will get a zucchini soon.
And here's my Topsy Turvy update. If you look at my first post you'd think that the plant shrunk. It hasn't gotten any smaller but it has bent up so that the leaves are growing upwards. I have a couple little flowers already on it, and I think that it will grow in both directions and produce lots of cherry tomatoes.So how is your garden growing? Have you tried anything new or different. As always feel free to let me know how you are doing, I love getting ideas or just seeing how others are growing their fruits and veggies.
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