How Is Your Garden Growing?
Here's how mine is growing. This picture is kinda sideways but you can still get the point. In other words it takes too long to reload the pictures. LOL There are 3 containers with onions, 1 with carrots, 1 with Mint, 3 Raspberry Plants, 1 Heirloom Tomato, a lemon plant in this pic.This is the first fruit of my heirloom tomatoes. We don't eat alot of tomatoes but I wanted to experiment with a few different varieties this year. This one will be yellow pear shaped tomatoes.
This is my sprawling zucchini plant. It still has failed to fruit but it could be because of the heat. I'm hoping it starts growing some zucchinis but if not we will try again in the fall when it cools down a little.These are a few of my raspberries that are growing. They are growing nicely. I wasn't honestly too sure about these plants they came as dry twigs with dry roots in the mail, but they've come up pretty nicely.
This is my newest addition it's a Variegated Pink Lemon Bush. It has had a few starter lemons that have fallen off but I'm blaming the poor care these plants receive at the stores. I'm not expecting much this year but am really hoping that it gets some lemons next year. I love the multi colored leaves and the thorns keep the kids from touching any of my plants.
I'll post a few more pics of the rest of my garden tomorrow. I also have 2 more tomatoes. a banana plant, some watermelon (that I've given up on), bell pepper, more onions, strawberries and several pineapple plants. So how does your garden look?
looks great!!!!! thanks for linking up!!!!
Interestingly, my garden is growing with absolutely no assistance from me. I decided to use last year's seeds, throw them in a pot or under the mulch and cover them. I did not water or do anything else, and they are all now growing. I am hoping that it stays maintenance free for me all summer! I hope they look as good as yours in a few weeks.
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